User Interface/Polish

User Interface/ Polish

We're nearing the end of the assignment! 

For the user interface, I've added a few menu scenes and some level transition scenes.

There is a title screen with a 'play' and a 'level select' button:

These are implemented by simply using the canvas buttons and adding a scene switcher script that allows us to type the name of the scene we want to switch to when the button is pressed. The play button sends the user to the first level and the level select button sends them to the level select menu.

The level select menu simply allows the user to select which level they want to play. I plan to also add a main menu button to allow people to go back to the main menu. 

Lastly, I've added a level complete menu that displays whenever a player jumps on the red buttons at the end of the level. This allows the user to either go back to the main menu or go to the level select menu to select the next level. 

I plan to add some in-game UI that was suggested from user feedback, such as a health bar (once health is implemented) and possibly a death counter as well as a timer. 

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