Basic Level Blocking

This weekly update will be talking about the progress made Level Blocking!

So far, there is only a basic tutorial level fully implemented (there is a second 'level' but it contains no content). This level gives the player an opportunity to get used to the movement controls and some of the basic functionality of the game. 

The platforms and world itself are made up of multiple different tilemaps. One for the standard platforms the player moves on. One for background 'filler', and one for the fake walls/floors.

The platforms tilemap is relatviely straightforward with only a few components; a tilemap collider 2D, a rigidbody 2D and a composite collider. The composite collider is used so that each square of tilemap isn't its own individual collider, but rather one big collider for whatever block of sprites are on the grid. This prevents some 'invisible wall' type effects happening to the player.

The filler tilemap is basically just a sprite with a tilemap collider 2D set as a trigger to allow the player to pass through it as it's acting as a background.

The fake walls/floors tilemap is the same as the platforms tilemap, except it has an added script to actually make them 'fake'. The script simply detects for a collisions with the player by using a trigger and then disabling the tilemap.

Just another platformer makes use of a canvas displaying text to make it look like the character is talking. Certain text objects appear when triggered in certain spots via a script. This is helpful for teaching the controls and features of the game while not actually having to stop the player from playing.

Lastly, there is a 'button' at the end of the level. Currently when it is touched it sends the player to the next level (nothing currently actually implemented in said level). This may change in the future to send the player to a level select menu. Possibly it will give the player the option to go straight to the next level OR go to the menu to chose their desired level.


AssignmentLevel(1).zip Play in browser
Apr 22, 2021

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