
Press the on screen buttons to control your game! The directions the arrows are pointing correlate to which direction your character will have, with the square being a stop button.

The goal of the game is to reach the green portal at the end of each level to move you on to the next level!

Features implemented:

- All movement (left, right, stop, jump)

- When reaching portal, waits 2 seconds then moves to next level

- Player reset when off screen or killed

- Avatar animation, different sprites for stationary, moving, jumping. The jumping sprite stays on even after the jump is complete until a new sprite is active i.e another movement button clicked.

- Sound effects for moving, jumping, stopping, reaching the portal, bouncing on a bounce pad, and when buttons are clicked.

- Reset button

- Level title

- All level specific functionality for level 1

- All level specific functionality for level 2

- All level specific functionality for level 3

- All level specific functionality for level 4

- All level specific functionality for level 5

- All level specific functionality for level 6

- All level specific functionality for level 7

- Level 8 functionality besides trails, colour change and exploding


Reset sprite :(for some reason the link wont load in itch properly. Sprite was taken from a website called, then search for reset sprites)


Bounce pad sound:

Portal sound:

Stopping sound:

Moving sound:

Jumping sound:

Button click sound:

left, right and up arrow sprites:


Bounce Pad sprite:

Emoji spritesheet (all player sprites and enemy sprite):

Fire walls sprite:

Portal sprite: (came up in google images)

Red glow sprite: (another link not loading properly)

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